

Hi everyone. It's me again. I'm feeling very sad right now. All my life, I've been on the overwight side. I know that, I'm aware of that and I tried to change myself for the better. However, whenever my family talks about my weight, I instantly feel bad about myself. Words like "You're so fat. You would look better if you're slim" , "Oh, you gained weight" , "Please try to slim down yourself" , and "You will look more beautiful when you're slim" makes my heart shatter AND make me want to stop what I'm doing. Those words are actually discouraging me and I just really, really hate them. I don't know what to do. Sometimes, I just feel like I want to give up on life. Honestly, I think that would be better, wouldn't it? Life makes me so tired... I often find myself sad. Among my friends, I would be the happy one but when I'm alone, these thoughts just keep coming back to me. Anyway, to those who have i

An emotional wreck

Hey guys! It's me again. Well would you look at that. What an interesting title we have today. Before I start talking about the topic, I just want to thank my friend, Bell (you know who you are) , for giving me a chance and actually read my blog. I'm so happy! I was SO nervous when I told her about my blog. Well, no one from my real life knows about this blog so it was kind of scary to wait for her reaction. She was so sweet, telling me her thoughts about my story (which I appreciate very much, thank you honey) and giving me some tips too! So again. thank you Bell. I love you. Okay now we can get to the topic. Well, what about the topic. I don't know.. it's just... do you guys sometimes have this day or even sometimes it's just for a few minutes where you suddenly feel like your heart hurts so much, your head is full with things you don't even know and you just feel all kinds of feeling, everything and anything. No? Just me? Okay then.... I just wanted to